
Downloadable viewing

March 1, 2005
JT2Go, a set of no-cost 3D-viewing products for companies to globally share detailed 3D product and manufacturing data using a lightweight JT format, is now downloadable to any desktop by visiting With JT2Go, companies establish instant com

JT2Go, a set of 3D-viewing products for globally sharing detailed 3D product and manufacturing data, is now downloadable to any desktop.

JT2Go, a set of no-cost 3D-viewing products for companies to globally share detailed 3D product and manufacturing data using a lightweight JT format, is now downloadable to any desktop by visiting With JT2Go, companies establish instant compatibility with an install base of existing 3D JT data created by over 600,000 worldwide users.

The JT format is the predominant 3D data standard for product visualization and information sharing between PLM-software applications. All major CAD-authoring systems — including UGS' NX and Solid Edge — generate lightweight JT files for providing 3D data in a CAD-neutral format for high-performance viewing. JT technology lets users view and share product data and interactive images worldwide in real time and throughout all product-lifecycle phases.

JT2Go connects OEMs, suppliers, business partners, and customers to specific 3D product data necessary for collaborating in a variety of lifecycle processes such as design reviews, manufacturing planning, and requests for quotes.

UGS Corp.
Plano, Tex.