Contact American Machinist

Contact American Machinist

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American Machinist is an essential online source of the latest product news and technology trends for contract manufacturers and job shop leaders.

American Machinist serves executive and corporate leaders; operations and production personnel, plant management; and purchasing and sourcing management.

For over 130 years, American Machinist is dedicated to bringing its audience significant developments on the products and practices of metalworking, including cutting, tooling, forming, materials, robotics, quality, cleaning and finishing, and shop operations.

General Mailing Address

American Machinist
2 Summit Park Dr, Suite 300
Independence, OH 44131
Phone: (440) 487-8001

Advertising Information

Letters to the Editor

Robert Brooks
[email protected]

Social Media



Editorial Contact

Editor / Content Director
Robert Brooks
[email protected]

Contributor Guidelines

Articles accepted for publication will appear on and may appear in newsletters.

Sales Contact

Joe DiNardo
[email protected]
(440) 487-8001

Business Staff

Vice President & Group Publisher
John DiPaola
[email protected] 

Digital Audience Marketing Director

Frank Chloupek
[email protected]

Client Senior Marketing Manager
Lexi Richards
[email protected]

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