Theorem Solutions, Inc. said several North American automotive suppliers have adopted its Theorem Process Manager (TPM), a software program designed to automate the translation of CAD and other data.
Theorem Solutions said the MTU Division of Detroit Diesel and the Cosma Division of Canadian automotive manufacturer Magna International are among the major automotive suppliers that are seeing benefits from the adoption of its software.
Both companies are using Theorem Process Manager to automate the translation of CAD data into formats requested by their customers and internal designers. With a diverse base of customers located across the globe, both companies were seeing long turnaround times in meeting data requests. Due to the very large file sizes, many of these translations were tying up computing resources and personnel for prohibitively long periods of time.
Theorem Solutions said its Theorem Process Manager was designed to automate manual, time-intensive batch process or back office activities that have created bottlenecks for manufacturers. Theorem Process Manager automates, schedules, manages and controls these processes and can be set up to process such tasks during off-hours when computers and workstations are idle.
The company said MTU and Cosma have seen significant time and manpower savings as a result of incorporating Theorem Process Manager for automated data translations. Before automating the process at Cosma, the company had five people performing these time-consuming translations. Today that company has two people doing that work and hopes to reduce that further. When requests for data come in, the data coordinators drag and drop the files to the Theorem Process Manager job queue. Theorem Process Manager then processes translations on a dedicated server 24 hours a day.