Stephan Pietzko | Dreamstime
Electrical transmission substation.

Great Question: Who’s Got the Power?

May 8, 2024
We’ve got a power complex – but keeping it reliable and strengthening it to perform amid growing demand for electricity and increasingly narrow standards for availability is a complicated matter, and understanding why is not well understood by power users.

Why is electric power supplies becoming increasingly scarce at the same time that electricity is being hailed as the green and sensible alternative to carbon-based fuels? Why are regulators so idealistic about alternative power sources – and determined to qualify electricity based on its source?

In this installment of the Great Question podcast, consultant Brian Reinke explains the “hyper-complex risk environment” of the electric grid.

Consumer and industrial demands are changing the performance and even the functionality of the North American electric power grid – and consumers like foundries should understand how the grid works in order to protect their business’s interest, and perhaps even prosper as a result.

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