News: Joe Lundvick, Accredited Equipment Appraiser of Perfection Machinery Sales Inc.

Sept. 18, 2008
Joe Lundvick, Accredited Equipment Appraiser (AEA) of Perfection Machinery Sales Inc. (, has earned the Accredited Equipment Appraiser designation by completing all of the necessary coursework, testing ...

Joe Lundvick, Accredited Equipment Appraiser (AEA) of Perfection Machinery Sales Inc. (, has earned the Accredited Equipment Appraiser designation by completing all of the necessary coursework, testing and marketbased experience requirements as established by the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers. Those who have such a designation are recognized in the used machinery and equipment industry, and by banks and lending institutions, as the authority in providing professional, reliable and accurate appraisal reports on machinery and equipment.

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