
HyperMILL Receives Certified Gold Product Award From SolidWorks

Feb. 20, 2008
Open Mind Technologies (www.openmind-tech. com) CAM software product integrated within SolidWorks has received highest partner status. The new hyperMILL V9.7 from Open Mind offers CAD integration with SolidWorks. SolidWorks Corp. ...

Open Mind Technologies (www.openmind-tech. com) CAM software product integrated within SolidWorks has received highest partner status. The new hyperMILL V9.7 from Open Mind offers CAD integration with SolidWorks. SolidWorks Corp. has certified the integration of Open Mind’s complete solution and has designated hyperMILL as a ‘Certified Gold Product.’ This is SolidWorks’ highest award based on outstanding integration, quality and interoperability.

To receive the ‘Certified Gold Product’ award, the partner product must go through a multilevel certification process. The requirements include full integration of the software user interface within SolidWorks and associative database linking of the geometric data of SolidWorks. In addition, SolidWorks reference customers must be able to use the software product effectively. In-house product tests are also conducted at SolidWorks to determine whether its high requirements are fulfilled. Open Mind Technologies released hyperMILL V9.7, including the SolidWorks integration, in October 2007, and now hyperMILL has successfully completed and passed the certification process.

“Our CAD-integrated CAM solution hyperMILL has the advantage of allowing SolidWorks users to implement integrated process chains on their existing user interface,” Frank Eckstein, responsible for hyperMILL in SolidWorks in the Application Technology division at Open Mind explained. “In our software solution, the CAD and CAM systems both access the same database. A uniform data model is used for the entire process. This helps ensure transparency and accuracy in the production process and prevents errors.”

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