First article inspection
Requirement: Prototype parts are typically produced in small quantities; individual parts can easily be measured, either geometrically or compared to nominal data to ensure that the part was correctly produced.
Solution: The FaroArm, Laser Tracker, FARO Gage or ScanArm can all be used to inspect parts depending upon size and accuracy requirements.
Benefit: Whether the part is a oneoff reverse-engineered replacement part or the prototype for a larger batch to follow, the time saving made by avoiding the lengthy programming procedure of a traditional inspection tool is a huge advantage.
On-machine inspection
Requirement: To inspect parts on the machine tool in the production environment.
Solution: The advent of the FARO Gage allows the machine tool operator to inspect the part on the machine, meaning that re-machining can commence immediately, and tighter tolerances with fewer errors can be recorded directly on the shop floor.
Benefit: Removing a part from a machine to a temperature-controlled inspection area in order to verify the part is a time-consuming and expensive procedure. Inspecting parts directly on machine increases uptime and productivity, improving your bottom line.
CAD-based inspection
Requirement: Inspection of parts against nominal data.
Solution: Whether using a contact or non contact inspection device, every FARO product is capable of comparing a part to nominal data. The hard probes of FARO’s Laser Tracker or FaroArm can compare complex geometry, surface tolerance and feature positions to nominal data. FARO Laser Scanning devices can be used for non contact comparisons.
Benefit: Measurement directly against CAD data allows the operator to see real-time deviations from nominal. This allows parts to be produced including an inspection report certifying the part has been machined within acceptable tolerances.
Large-part inspection
Requirement: To inspect large machined parts quickly and accurately.
Solution: The portability and performance of the FARO Laser Tracker allows anyone from heavy engineering, bus manufacturing, boat and ship building to particle accelerators and radar assemblies to measure large parts anywhere. Trackers can be used to inspect any parts of unlimited size.
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