
CMM software

Dec. 1, 2004
Calypso version 4.0 CADbased-programming software for CMMs packs several new key functions, options, and features for measuring, evaluating, simulating, curve-data importing, and model comparing. The software also works with non-Zeiss CMMs.

Calypso version 4.0 CADbased-programming software for CMMs packs several new key functions, options, and features for measuring, evaluating, simulating, curve-data importing, and model comparing. The software also works with non-Zeiss CMMs.

While measuring, Calypso users self-center, scan splines, and create cylinders for datum. They also control clearance planes relative to base alignments, machine systems, or secondary alignments. Navigation Check provides a CAD-screen view of CMM end positions, outer-clearance planes, magazine-with-stylus systems, and rotary tables.

For evaluation, Calypso controls the range for circle paths and lines, while users control CAD origin. The software's simulation graphically represents probe heads, machine volumes, and rotary tables. Collision detection and speedcontrol simulation are included.

The software makes it easy for users to import lift-curve data, and plots for curve slope and curve expansion, distance, and stroke complement the function.

For CAD-model comparisons, Calypso users bring new CAD models into a measurement plan, and the software checks and accepts, if they correlate, probing points of all features for compliance with the new model. It displays any noncorrelating features. In addition, users have the option to load and run a measurement plan without loading a CAD model.

Carl Zeiss Industrial
Measuring Technology Corp.
Maple Grove, Minn.