
Extract precise measurements from film

March 1, 2004
Software recognizes aspects of 2.5D geometry

Using FotoG/Catia, a designer overlays a CAD model on a digital image of a fabricated component to compare measurements between the two.

FotoG is now available in Catia. This close-range photogrammetry system creates 3D CAD models and extracts precise measurements from film or digital photography and video.

The addition of the Catia interface to FotoG lets users develop 3D (as Built) CAD models of existing facilities for use in Catia designs. According to the company, FotoG provides capabilities comparable to laser-scanning systems but at a significantly lower cost. It can also be used in environments where laser-scanning systems are not well suited.

In addition, FotoG provides automatic targeting functions that eliminate tedious manual tasks and automate the building of real world objects 3D models. This saves time and labor for engineering and design applications of all sizes.

"This release opens a new technology for Catia users, who can now extract precise measurements and create models from digital images directly within Catia," says Dr. Jason Szabo, manager of close range photogrammetry at Vexcel Corp.

Vexcel Corp.
Boulder, Colo.