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Jamie Goettler

Jamie Goettler is Senior Director, Metalworking Sales and Innovation at MSC Industrial Supply.
Senior Director, Metalworking Sales and Innovation

Jamie Goettler is Senior Director, Metalworking Sales and Innovation at MSC Industrial Supply, a  distributor of metalworking and maintenance, repair and operations products and services to industrial customers throughout North America. With more than 25 years of experience in industrial distribution, Jamie is focused on the competitiveness, productivity and health of American manufacturing businesses through the creation, development and deployment of industry-relevant technology.

Over a 20-plus-year tenure with MSC, Goettler has held a series of leadership roles in sales and metalworking. He holds a U.S. patent for MSC’s cost-savings documentation mechanism and process, and he has been a driving force behind MSC’s strategic relationship with Oak Ridge National Laboratory in advancing manufacturing in the United States. 

Goettler is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in rhetoric and communication.