Are Workplace Wellness Programs Working

Are Workplace Wellness Programs Working?

Feb. 13, 2014
Authors of new book contend that 'conventional wellness is hazardous to your health.'

Vik Khanna and Al Lewis, authors of the new book “Surviving Workplace Wellness: With Your (Major) Organs, Dignity and Finances Intact?” question the benefit of current wellness programs. 

They challenge one of the foundations of the wellness programs, the screening process, pointing out that it is in fact  harmful as the programs:

1. Fail to diagnose a real problem, which may encourage someone to ignore symptoms which may emerge later, or mislead them into believing that their “negative” result gives them permission to persist in or revert to unhealthy behaviors ;

2. Detectproblems (usually cancers) for which early diagnosis and treatment not only don’t change the end result, but also make people feel worse for longer ;

3. Diagnose problems that would not have become clinically significant or don’t actually exist, the follow-up for which can be hazardous, debilitating, and expensive.

And the authors point out there is harm to the bottom line.

Read more about what companies can do to improve wellness programs on IndustryWeek

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