Fritz Studer AG, cylindrical grinding machine manufacturer in Thun, Switzerland, will merge its competences with those of internal grinding machine maker Combitec AG in Biel, Switzerland. The integration will allow both companies to increase markets and technological positions. Product ranges of Studer and Combitec complement each other, and both companies’ manufacturing facilities will remain in their current locations.
In other Studer news, United Grinding, the North American arm of Studer and other companies that are part of Korber Schleifring, auctioned off a special Studer favoritCNC grinder at IMTS 2008. The auction benefited the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) by raising $40,000.
International airbrush artist Philipp Klopfenstein painted the auctioned machine during IMTS. The machine’s artwork featured an American flag and several Bald Eagles.