Hermle Machine Co.’s (www.hermlemachine.com) B 300 “entry-level” machining center incorporates select elements from the company’s C-Series machines. The B 300 uses a gantry design for fast precise movement, a trunion table mounted on precision bearings for optimum performance in multiaxis work, and a mineral casting base offering low thermal conductivity and superior vibration-damping properties.
The machine’s X, Y and Z axes measure 800 mm, 600 mm, and 500 mm, respectively, and it rapids at 30 m per minute in all axes. A main drive capable of 19 kW powers the B 300’s 15,000-rpm spindle, which is kept supplied with tools by a 30-position tool magazine that accommodates both SK 40 and HSK A63 tooling. Tool changing happens via direct pick-up, and chip-tochip change time is about 6 seconds.
The B 300 is available in 3 and 5-axis configurations. The 3-axis version features a rigid clamping table measuring 1,000 mm by 560 mm with a load capacity of 1,500 kg. The 5-axis model uses an NC controlled swiveling rotary table 280 mm in diameter that handles loads to 250 kg. Both machines have a pendant-mounted Heidenhain iTNC 530 with standard integrated safety technology.