
Diesinker EDM Boasts Precision and Productivity

Dec. 15, 2011
GF AgieCharmilles FORM 200 mS with RTC offers accuracy, flexibility and speed for micro machining
The FORM 200 mS EDM is optimized for micro machining tasks, including molds for integrated circuits, LED cavities, and detailed connector forms.

The developer of the new FORM 200 mS with a rotary tool changer (RTC) said it advances die-sinking electric discharge machining because it bring precise geometric quality and increased lights-out operation to micro machining, and other applications. GF AgieCharmilles stated it designed the FORM 200 mS to optimize all aspects of micro machining, including molds for integrated circuits, cavities for light-emitting diodes, and detailed connector forms. Noting that the new machine provides exceptional performance on its own, the developer said combining it with the modular 16- to 160-position RTC establishes greater flexibility and speed for micro component production.

GF AgieCharmilles develops and supplies laser ablation center, wire EDM, CNC, and manual diesinking systems and high-speed/high-performance 3- and 5-axis milling machines.

In addition to standard machining capabilities, the FORM 200 mS offers shops a high degree of autonomy thanks to is easy-to-use interface, with functions dedicated specifically to micro machining.

The FORM 200 mS has a MicroTEC discharge circuit that is able to modulate power, as well as to maximize material removal, while accommodating undersize (

The FORM 200 mS also incorporates GF AgieCharmilles’ iQ technology, which increases efficiency and productivity by reducing electrode wear at faster machining speeds than other low-wear application settings. It’s a technology that “practically eliminates wear” by building a protective layer onto graphite electrodes, maintaining their edges and detail capabilities throughout the entire burn. The technology is especially beneficial for electrodes producing the same cavity shape multiple times.