AM'S Cutting Tool Information

May 9, 2006
Detailed cutting tool information, including basic articles on cutting tools, is available on the Internet

Detailed cutting tool information, including basic articles on cutting tools, is available on the Internet at The information available on the web includes six interactive calculators that provide:

  • Break-even analysis to help to determine which machine is most profitable for a specific job.
  • Conversions from horsepower rat ings to kilowatt ratings.
  • Conversion for speed and feed rates for such variables as surfacefeetper-minute to revolutionsperminute, or inches-per-revolution to inches-per-minute.
  • Conversions for thread cutting values.
  • Calculations that consider variables that affect tool life and a tool-life/cutting speed adjuster.
  • And, a conversions of variables that affect turning surface finishes.

A related Internet page, American Machinist's Cutting Tool Central ( includes updated articles and information on the basics of cutting tools, and a cutting tool selector for a range of carbon steels, alloy and tool steels and stainless materials.

The web-based calculators and selectors are easy to navigate and provide valuable information for selecting the proper tool or to perform comparative analyses that can lead to improved quality and productivity.