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Modular Control System for Machine Tools

April 15, 2021
Real-time process control and monitoring for medium-complexity machines tools, to maximize integration between the measurement system, the machine, and the company network.

MARPOSS, developers of measurement, inspection and test technologies, announced its BLÚ LT modular system for real-time process control and monitoring on machines tools of medium complexity, in terms of sensor quantity and machine dimensions. In its two formats, the Master Unit can host directly up to either two or four function nodes and is designed to guarantee the maximum level of integration between the measurement system, the machine, and the company network.

BLÚ LT provides the networkability of BLÚ single-cable system, but at a more reasonable price for less-complex machine-tool requirements.  This completes a range of Marposs offerings for every type of installation, from the P1dME measuring system for the simplest grinding applications through BLÚ, capable of the most complex integrated production and control and created in line with the Internet of Things.

With BLÚ LT, all communication between the master processing unit and the functional nodes is handled by the same protocol and used by the BLÚ single-cable system. The proprietary Marposs MMSB bus acquires and transmits the signals in totally digital form for robust, reliable communications.

Featuring the BLÚ Human Interface (HI), specifically designed for communication between the operator and the BLÚ control system, the system is easy to use and fulfills all requirements of the Smart Factory. BLÚ HI dashboards can be displayed in the machine front end PC in their own window or can be easily re-dimensioned to fit within the machine builders control screens, ensuring easy integration.

BLÚ LT also can be supplied with a 7-in., 16:9 color touchscreen display for easy programming.

Components of the BLÚ LT system are designed to provide ultimate mechanical reliability and to withstand even the most dynamic working environments and the presence of waste materials produced by the machining process, coolants, vibration, and temperature variations. Learn more at