With the introduction of TGP25 for steels and TGP45 for a wide range of materials, Seco Tools Inc. has expanded its Duratomic process technology into a separate and optimized grade chain for grooving and partingoff applications. The new grades a produced by the Duratomic process, in which the aluminum oxide (AL2O3) is arranged at the atomic level to adjust the coating to fit specific applications and workpieces. Both of the new grades also feature tailored substrates.
While TGP25 was developed mainly for machining steel and TGP45 for parting-off steel, both are suited for stable and highspeed applications in stainless steel are alternatives for cast iron. The company said the grades’ features include high levels of heat resistance resulting in faster feeds and speeds; prolonged and predictable tool life enabling unmanned production; extreme flank wear resistance for accurately machined parts over a long period of time; low risk of edge build-up, resulting in superior surface finish and a wide application window for flexibility and versatility.
TGP25 is being offered in inserts for groove turning to complement Seco’s multi-directional turning program. When compared against Seco’s existing solution for this market, TGP25 offers a 10% to 20% increase in cutting speed to improve productivity while maintaining tool life. TGP45 is available in Seco’s 150.10 insert range. When compared with competitive Seco products, cutting speeds can be increased 10% to 15% for a gain in both productivity and tool life.