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Cutting Tool Orders Show Flat Manufacturing Demand

Oct. 22, 2020
Weak industrial demand has been ongoing since spring 2019, "impacted by inventory liquidation, and exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic," and cutting-tool orders are down -23% YTD.

U.S. machine shops and other manufacturers consumed $137.8 million worth of cutting during July, -8.5% less than during June and -30.6% less than during July 2019. As cutting-tool consumption is reflective of overall manufacturing activity, the figures represent the seasonal dip that is common in many industrial sectors during the summer months, but also the decline in industrial demand resulting from coronavirus-related shutdowns.

The data is provided by AMT – the Assn. for Manufacturing Technologies and the U.S. Cutting Tool Institute in their monthly Cutting Tool Market Report.

Through seven months of 2020, total cutting-tool consumption reported in the CTMR is $1.1 billion, meaning 2020 consumption is -21.2% less than during the January-June 2019 period.

The Cutting Tool Market Report presents cutting-tool consumption based on totals reported by participating companies, which represent the majority of the U.S. market for cutting tools.

“The July data shows a slight decline as the cutting tool industry’s major customers have returned to work from the pandemic shutdown," according to Brad Lawton, chairman of AMT’s Cutting Tool Product Group. "This is likely due to customers seeking to deplete existing tool inventories and adjust to the uncertainty of domestic and global markets before placing new orders. It is clear that the climb to better sales volumes will be extended and bumpy.”