
High-Performance Motion Logic/Robotics Controller

Aug. 18, 2010
Rexroth MLC with Version 10 may lower control costs, simplify integration

The MLC motion logic controller from Rexroth, with Version 10 firmware, is based on a one-gigahertz PAC controls platform that provides high-performance motion logic and robotics capabilities. The developer calls this its “most advanced platform,” and adds that it supports real-time communication on Ethernet platforms like SERCOS III, Ethernet IP and ProfiNet. With this, it is capable of interfacing with connecting controls, drives, I/Os, safety, HMI, web and machine-to-machine synchronization, which may help lower the cost of controls and simplify integration.

Rexroth MLC motion control, Version 10, has a free web-based service and engineering tool for easy access using a web browser to access the system data. It also has configuration tools for maintenance and commissioning, and visual access to system status and diagnosis of control hardware, drives and communication interfaces. The parameter editor, PLC variables and electronic nameplate data is available, too.

The MLC uses the IndraLogic 2G (second generation) PLC editor that offers several enhancements: new visualization concept for testing and monitoring functions, object-orientated programming in project structure, new data types, new operators and variables. IndraLogic 2G also supports standard IEC 61131-3 program languages, including Function Block Diagrams (FBD), Ladder Diagrams (LD), Instruction Lists (IL), Sequential Function Chart (SFC), and Structured Text (ST).

Rexroth said the new controller’s processor is powerful enough to control up to 16 robotic kinematics concurrently, and up to 64 axes of motion and logic on a single controller. The latest Version 10 firmware also provides advanced Flex Profile camming capabilities to help reduce engineering time and provide automatic cycle time optimization of machines and entire packaging lines.

With Flex Profile, cams can be multi-segmented and cycle times can be automatically optimized for velocity, acceleration, position or time to avoid having to rebuild cams each time a parameter changes. Flex Profile provides masters as an axis, as a specific time, or a combination of both. By changing values in the segments, the profile can be automatically modified to accommodate any changes in products. The MLC 10 can generate PLC function blocks for online creation of FlexProfiles, CAM preview with several axes simultaneously and provide definition of FlexProfile events.

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