Tooling U Provides Manufacturing Training from Mobile Devices

July 22, 2008
Tooling U, a Cleveland-based onl ine t ra ining company specializing in manufacturing, has created a mobile training platform that is designed to allow users to access its training web site from anywhere in the world. Tooling U expects its ...

Tooling U, a Cleveland-based onl ine t ra ining company specializing in manufacturing, has created a mobile training platform that is designed to allow users to access its training web site from anywhere in the world.

Tooling U expects its new mobile training plat form to increase usability and portability of training by giving users access to real-time training information even when they are not near a computer.

Chad Schron, vice president of Tooling U said the feature provides managers who are out of the office the ability to remotely monitor training programs and mentor employees.

In addition, the feature includes many facets of Tooling U’s main training site so that students can take a class, enter and save notes and complete tests when they are away from their main locations or computers. The feature also provides mobile options to training administrators.

The TU Mobile feature can be accessed at I t is compat ible wi th Blackberry, Apple IPhone and Windows Mobile devices.

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