
Weekly Update 05/08/2008

May 9, 2008
May 8, 2008 NEWSLETTER SPONSOR Keyence Real-Time Measurement & Control During Machining Processes The KEYENCE LK-G Laser Displacement Sensor measures machine tool positioning ...
Real-Time Measurement & Control During Machining Processes The KEYENCE LK-G Laser Displacement Sensor measures machine tool positioning and provides control to prevent workpiece damage or error. The LK-G measures any material or surface plus fast moving, vibrating or rotating targets with 0.01µm repeatability, a 50 kHz sampling rate and ±0.03% F.S. linearity. 1000 mm LK-G long-range models available. Download Measurement Guide: Click Here
Workcells Drive Automation For Short Product Lifecycles
If you're an automotive components manufacturer, you should be setting your sights on fully automated complete workcells. These systems help meet the growing demands of shorter product lifecycles and increased quality requirements and can reduce production costs. Read Full Story
An Open-Front Machine Makes Automation Possible
A shop invested in new automated equipment that provided it with single-setup part machining and the flexibility to load two forms of raw stock material, and that was made possible by an innovative, open-front machine design. Read Full Story
An Image Makeover For Honing
A new generation of CNC honing technology is changing the image that the process has. Enhanced accuracy and limited operator intervention are propelling honing into a leading role for makers of small engines, gears and fluid power components. Read Full Story
Raw Stock Or Ready Stock?
Raw stock can save a shop money on materials, but it barely puts a dent in overall part cost. Machine-ready blanks, on the other hand, reduce labor costs and have a stronger impact on overall part costs. Read Full Story
AM Webcasts
FREE Web Seminar: Best Kept Secrets of Successful Retrofits
Join GE Fanuc and AM on May 21, 2008

What you need to know when retrofitting, rebuilding or remanufacturing machine tools.

In this webcast presentation, GE Fanuc product manager Mark Brownhill and American Machinist editor Bruce Vernyi will discuss many opportunities for retrofitters and end users to maximize the efficiency, effectiveness and cost savings that are possible with this valuable approach. Don't miss this great opportunity to learn how a retrofit solution might be right for your shop.
Click Here To Register For This FREE Webcast
Welding Magazine and Welding Web Announce Launch Of Welding Theater

Welding Magazine and Welding Web are pleased to announce the beta launch of Welding Theater at Think of it as YouTube for welders. It provides videos about welding process and equipment. In the not-too-distant future, it will also be open to the posting of amateur videos by anyone involved in the welding industry. Click Here For More Information

Upcoming Webcasts
Here's How You Make Your Welding Cell More Competitive
Join Us May 14,2008 for Balluff's Webcast: Protect sensors and connectivity from heat, slag and impact! If your organization is spending a great deal of time on sensor and related connectivity change out in welding cells, there's something definitely wrong. It doesn't have to be that way! Unfortunately, hundreds of companies have accepted that sensing in welding environments automatically equates to high rates of machine down time, high maintenance costs, and high material costs. There are reasons how and why it's gotten to that point and we will examine those in this webinar.Click Here To Register For This FREE Webinar!
Practical Machinist Metalworking Forum
Join in! Visit Practical Machinist, the leading online discussion forum for the metalworking community.

The Fastest Declining Occupations
"Odd. I thought that "Bear Stearns Investment Banker" was the fastest declining job catagory in the US right now." Read Full Story
Trapazoidal Rare Earth Magnets
"It was a fairly interesting read." Read Full Story
Antique LS Starrett Monogram Circa 1913
"To belong to the Rice Leaders of the World, a business had to be financially secure and must have conducted all of its affairs in an ethical manner." Read Full Story
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