
eBulletin, August 2006

Aug. 18, 2006
August 17, 2006 In This Issue •  Commentary •  Free Software Demo •  Features •  Upcoming Free Webcasts •  Archived Webcast •  Online Product Demo •  IMTS 2006 •  Practical Machinist •  Events •  Quick Manufacturing News ...
August 17, 2006 In This Issue • Commentary
• Free Software Demo
• Features
• Upcoming Free Webcasts
• Archived Webcast
• Online Product Demo
• IMTS 2006
• Practical Machinist
• Events
• Quick Manufacturing News

Newsletter SponsorMiller

Welding Industry′s First Welding Blog Miller Electric Mfg. Co. has created the industry′s first welding blog where industry experts present technical advice on a wide range of topics. Miller invites people who work in the manufacturing, fabrication or construction welding industry to share their views on issues affecting their business, or on the welding industry in general. The Miller blog is called Viewpoints, and you can participate by going to Viewpoints welding blog postings include topics such as strategies to pair engine drives with inverters on construction job sites to cut costs, how to increase TIG welding production by 50%, why rust will appear on stainless steel, when it makes sense to spend more on consumables and many more. The Viewpoints blog is developed to create thought-provoking discussions that prompt people to look at their welding businesses in a new light. We post new topics regularly, so you can keep up with the welding industry's most important issues.
Commentary by Editor Bruce Vernyi

The United States has been enjoying a lengthy period of economic growth, and, on the eve of the biennial IMTS, it's good to remember how much the U.S. machine tool industry has benefited from that growth.
Read more.

Free Software Demos

Featured Advertiser
Makino — a leading manufacturer of horizontal and vertical machining centers and EDM machines — has announced a new series of online Webinars. Designed for shops of all types and sizes, the seminars are free to anyone who registers. The planned seminars are intended for shops in the automotive, aerospace, medical product and die and mold industries. In addition to metal cutting and die/mold, the seminars will cover new technologies, such as micromachining. Mark Rentschler, marketing manager, says, "Online seminars allow anyone with an Internet connection to attend without losing a day of work." The seminars concentrate on shop efficiency, lean manufacturing, asset utilization, machine tool integration and automation, machine tool technologies, and metal cutting processes. Makino's application engineers, product managers and guest speakers will give presentations. Click here for more info on upcoming seminars and registration information. FeaturesBenchmarking - AM for AM American Machinist has developed a powerful tool that machine shops can use to compare their operations to other, similar operations, and to plan ways that they can improve themselves. The details for the American Machinist Benchmarking study show that the most successful shops do very well - and stay focused on - 12 key indicators. American Machinist will announce the first class of our 10 Best Machine Shops at the IMTS show in September.Read more.Machining Machinists at a Houston medical center have to meet deadlines to save lives. The produce templates and lenses that allow oncologists to focus radiation beams sharply on tumors to save patients' lives. Read more.Machining Titanium is a difficult metal to machine, and it is one of the best materials for the replacement of structural body parts, such as bones and joints. Here are pointers on how to machine this difficult metal.Read more.Shop operations Storing and maintaining barrels of liquids can be a challenge for a machine shop, but there are material handling products available to make this work easier while reducing the amount of space needed for bulky containers.Read more.Cutting tools Optimizing any machining operation begins with matching the cutting tool with the material that is to be cut. The wide variety of cutting tools that are available sometimes makes this a challenging task. Here are tips that can make it easy.Read more.Upcoming Free American Machinist Webcasts
Tool Shop Optimization: Stepping up to 5-Axis Sponsored by Cimatron Tuesday, August 22 at 2pm EST - Click here to register.
An IMTS Preview for Technology and Solutions Sponsored by Peter Wolters Wednesday, August 30 at 2pm EST - Click here to register.
Increase Efficiency - Moving Machine Setup to the Office Sponsored by United Grinding Thursday, August 31st at 2pm EST - Click here to register.
CNC Best Kept Secrets That Can Change the Game Sponsored by GE Fanuc Wednesday, October 25 at 2pm EST - Click here to register.
Archived WebcastLower Your Cost of MachiningSponsored by:
Competitive pressures are forcing many manufacturers to investigate new ways to lower their costs. Makino presents case studies of U.S. shops that have reduced their cost of machining by implementing horizontal machining centers and explains how you can too. Click here to view the archived webcast. To view the American Machinist webcast archives, click here.
Online Product Demonstration

If you are considering a shop management and control solution, take a close look at the industry leader: JobBOSS.
Click here to view a FREE 10-minute audio overview or interactive demo.

If you have any questions, you can speak with a JobBOSS representative at 800-777-4334.

IMTS 2006 Just Days Away - Register Now
The number of attendees and exhibitors registering for the world's most vast demonstration of machine tools continues to rise over the 2004 event. Stay ahead of the competition by seeing the newest generation of manufacturing equipment. Improve productivity exploring more than 15,000 new machine tools, controls, computers, software, components, systems, and processes exhibited over 1.1 million sq. ft. of exhibit space. Register online today at for $50. Don't miss IMTS 2006, the largest and longest running manufacturing technology trade show in the U.S. September 6-13, 2006 at Chicago's McCormick Place. For more information, go to

Here is a quick taste of what you will find... From CNC Machining -- Where did all the machinists go? "I have had my fill with trying to hire a seasoned machinist. Five years ago I could run a help wanted ad and fill a machinist position within two days. Today, I can run an ad be lucky to get a couple of phone calls in a week." Join the discussion and read the answers... Click here. From CAD/CAM -- What should I charge for programming?"What is the going rate? Is there a minimum charge? Flat rate? Travel time?" Join the discussion and read the answers... Click here. From General -- Why is the lathe so important? "Pardon my beginner′s ignorance, but could someone please explain why the lathe, and specifically the manually operated lathe, occupies such an exalted position among machine tools?" Join the discussion and read the answers... Click here.

Installing, Calibrating and Maintaining Electronic Instruments
August 21-25, 2006
Research Triangle Park, NC
Click here for more information.

The Next Industrial Revolution: Nanotechnology & Manufacturing
August 23-24, 2006
Oak Ridge, TN
Click here for more information.

2006 TMS Fall Extraction and Processing Meeting
August 27-31, 2006
San Diego, CA
Click here for more information.

Quick Manufacturing NewsThe Easiest Way to Get Need-To-Know Industry News

You′re more busy than ever, but you need to keep up-to-date on the most important manufacturing headlines. Get Quick Manufacturing News, a free daily e-mail newsletter that assembles the freshest news stories reported by 10 leading industry publications. Quick Mfg News contains items across all segments of manufacturing, so you'll always know what's happening in your market and related industries. Sign up now! Click here to subscribe.
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