NEWSLETTER SPONSOR Solidworks Invitation From SolidWorks Join our new online manufacturing suppliers network and receive a FREE listing today! Click here to learn more. |
Machining Automotives |
Exact JobBOSS is an effective and affordable software system for job shops / custom manufacturers. It provides them with the flexibility they need to respond to the day-in and day-out changes to schedule dates, quantities and part specifications. And the visibility and control they need to compete and win! Learn more about JobBOSS with one click. Or call 1-800-777-4334 to talk with one of our job shop experts.
Upcoming Webcast Series |
- Best Kept Secrets of Minimizing Machine Downtime -- April 11, 2007 2:00 PM ET
- Best Kept Secrets to Reduce Cycle Time -- June 13, 2007 2:00 PM ET
- Best Kept Secrets to Improving Part Quality -- September 12, 2007 2:00 PM ET
Makino— a leading manufacturer of horizontal and vertical machining centers and EDM machines — has announced a new series of online Webinars. Designed for shops of all types and sizes, the seminars are free to anyone who registers. The planned seminars are intended for shops in the automotive, aerospace, medical product and die and mold industries. In addition to metal cutting and die/mold, the seminars will cover new technologies, such as micromachining. Mark Rentschler, marketing manager, says, "Online seminars allow anyone with an Internet connection to attend without losing a day of work." The seminars concentrate on shop efficiency, lean manufacturing, asset utilization, machine tool integration and automation, machine tool technologies, and metal cutting processes. Makino's application engineers, product managers and guest speakers will give presentations. Click here for more info on upcoming seminars and registration information.
Business startup considerations "I'm thinking I will need insurance, alarm system install, office gear. What else should one consider when making this transition?" Extending the shaft of a motor "I have a Rockwell vertical mill that I'm restoring. The one major missing piece is the motor." Home shop machine oddities of the past "I was rumaging thru some old brochures and ran across this from the 1950s." (photos)
Practical Machinist Metalworking Forum |
American Machinist's Machine Shop Workshop |
Use Data. Get more competitive. Increase profit. Machine shop managers will learn a systematic approach to improve operations by using AM′s benchmarking tools for Operations, Customer Satisfaction, Finance and Human Resources. Attendees leave with a plan to achieve continuous improvement, and a differentiating business strategy. Don′t miss this opportunity to improve your business. Held in Cleveland, November 7-9, 2007 at the Marriott at Key Center. Click here to register.
Toolmaker Slashes Delivery Times by Going Lean EIMO Americas has been utilizing Lean Manufacturing practices to streamline processes from quoting to delivery, standardizing on the Cimatron software to support these processes throughout its tooling operations.Read more.
Webcast: What's ahead for US Manufacturing? Speaker: Alan Beaulieu, Institute for Trend Research Date: March 21 Time: 11:00 AM EST Sponsored By Automation Direct
Case Study |
Event |
- Overall Manufacturing Trends and Forecast.
- Short-term and long-term manufacturing economic forecasts (U.S. and/or abroad).
- How will the U.S. be affected by corporate production facilities being moved overseas?
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