Microsoft has announced that they are working with approximately 1,000 independent software vendors to deliver a broad range of applications for their new Vista operating system. The announcement was made at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2006 in Boston where several developers showcased their Vista applications currently under development.
Microsoft says Vista will deliver greater security, enable richer and more immersive user experiences and offer a new communications and connectivity infrastructure.
SolidWorks Corp. (, a major developer of CAD software, said it is building next-generation applications using the power of 3D graphics in Windows Vista to bring technology to life and enhance communications. “Windows Vista offers many features that create compelling opportunities for enterprise software vendors,” said Efrat Ravid, manager of the SolidWorks Solution Partner Program.
Microsoft has introduced several Windows Vista application and developer readiness initiatives to help software partners prepare for and succeed with the next-generation operating system. Designed to benefit independent software vendors and individual developers, these initiatives help developers create applications using new Windows Vista platform technologies and meet the “Certified for Windows Vista” logo requirements. Microsoft is also offering resources to help developers ensure that their existing applications work with Windows Vista. As part of these efforts, Microsoft is making available a range of development, training and testing resources.
To see some of the applications being developed for Vista visit ( Software vendors and developers can learn more about the programs available at