
Weekly Update 4/5/2007

April 5, 2007
April 5, 2007 NEWSLETTER SPONSORSolidworks Invitation From SolidWorks Join our new online manufacturing suppliers network and receive a FREE listing today!Click here to learn more. Cutting Complex Parts In One Setup Production Doubles With ...
April 5, 2007


Invitation From SolidWorks
Join our new online manufacturing suppliers network and receive a FREE listing today!

Click here to learn more.

Cutting Complex Parts In One Setup
Production Doubles With Single-Operation Machining Single-operation machining doubles a shop's production. Whether tackling a two-piece job or one with half a million pieces, multitasking modular mill-turn machines substantially reduce cycle times by completing most parts in one clamping. Swivel Head VMC With Bar Loader For Complete Machining In One Step This vertical machining center packs a swivel-head spindle for single-setup machining of complex parts. Coupled with a barfeeder, the machine offers non-stop, one-clamping 6-sided machining capabilities. Turning, Milling and Simultaneous 5-Axis Machining On One Machine Produce complex parts from solids in single setups using multi-surface, simultaneous 5-axis machining. Errant Performer or Scapegoat Don't be so quick to blame the machine tool's spindle if your parts start looking like crap. A spindle error-motion test can tell you who the real culprits are.
Featured Advertiser
Exact JobBOSS is an effective and affordable software system for job shops / custom manufacturers. It provides them with the flexibility they need to respond to the day-in and day-out changes to schedule dates, quantities and part specifications. And the visibility and control they need to compete and win! Learn more about JobBOSS with one click. Or call 1-800-777-4334 to talk with one of our job shop experts.
Upcoming Webcast Series
The CNC Best Kept Secrets Series of educational webcasts from GE Fanuc and American Machinist is designed to educate manufacturers on the often overlooked ways to prevent downtime, enhance the speed of machine tools, and improve part quality. Click here for more information.
Featured Advertiser
Makino— a leading manufacturer of horizontal and vertical machining centers and EDM machines — has announced a new series of online Webinars. Designed for shops of all types and sizes, the seminars are free to anyone who registers. The planned seminars are intended for shops in the automotive, aerospace, medical product and die and mold industries. In addition to metal cutting and die/mold, the seminars will cover new technologies, such as micromachining. Mark Rentschler, marketing manager, says, "Online seminars allow anyone with an Internet connection to attend without losing a day of work." The seminars concentrate on shop efficiency, lean manufacturing, asset utilization, machine tool integration and automation, machine tool technologies, and metal cutting processes. Makino's application engineers, product managers and guest speakers will give presentations. Click here for more info on upcoming seminars and registration information.
Practical Machinist Metalworking Forum
Shop storage - How do you do it? "I am interested in seeing how others do and what they use for storage within their shops." What is the best way to clean my new surface plate? "Can any one suggest an alternate cleaner?" Frosted finish steel - How do they do it? "By 'frosted finish' what I mean is the sort of satin finish one often sees on machine tool dials and instrument levers." (photos)
Welding Webcast Series
Four hot topics you need to hear about.
  • Safety: Hexavalent Chromium - April 18, 2007 @ 2:00 PM ET
  • Automation: Man vs Machine - May 16, 2007 @ 2:00 PM ET
  • ERP for Gases: On the Edge of Enough - July 18, 2007 @ 2:00 PM ET
  • Best Practices in Electrode Selection: Maximum Profit Starts With the Process - September 25, 2007 @ 2:00 PM ET
Click here to attend these free Webcasts.
Case Study
Toolmaker Slashes Delivery Times by Going Lean EIMO Americas has been utilizing Lean Manufacturing practices to streamline processes from quoting to delivery, standardizing on the Cimatron software to support these processes throughout its tooling operations.Read more.