
Weekly Update 06/19/2008

June 20, 2008
June 19, 2008 NEWSLETTER SPONSOR IMTS You're Invited!Attend IMTS 2008, the largest manufacturing show in North America, to stay on top of your game. Faster, more ...
You're Invited!Attend IMTS 2008, the largest manufacturing show in North America, to stay on top of your game. Faster, more precise machines; cutting tools for virtually any material; finishing technologies; automation systems; quality instruments and manufacturing software. Reduce cycle times and increase productivity.

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Get Out Of Your Tooling Comfort Zone
Too many shops are put-off by the cost of tooling, and unaware of how tooling might affect throughput and product quality. The technology of tooling has changed dramatically in the past 10 years, allowing cutting speeds to nearly triple and producing similar improvements in productivity. Many shops are having trouble keeping up with these advances but, luckily, tool manufacturers are anxious to share their expertise with customers to reduce cycle times and machining costs. Read Full Story
Micro Tools Are The Right Medicine
Micro tools, optimized for an application, can have a dramatic effect on product quality and productivity. For example, a manufacturer of orthopedic implants, uses micro milling cutters to produce an artificial synovial cavity in a titanium artificial hip joint. Compared with earlier machining operations, the total savings are more than 30 percent, and throughput time has been cut from 16 days to only six days. Read Full Story
The Special World Of Small Tools
Tooling requirements change when tool diameter is decreased and spindle speed is increased. Also, the differing characteristics of workpiece materials, copper, aluminum, steel grades, and exotic materials such as titanium, graphite and composites, require that tool geometries and tool coatings be material-specific. The three components of a cutting tool - geometry, coating and substrate - define the correct tool for given applications, but the ways those components go together, and the importance of each, vary from one material to another. Read Full Story
Inserts For Low-Stress Milling
A new grade of milling cutter inserts is coated with TiAlN by physical vapor deposition (PVD) and is designed for milling stainless steel and titanium alloys. The inserts are designed to generate low pressure and stress during machining. The manufacturer said coupling the grade with new insert geometries is especially effective for machining aerospace alloys, and recommends that high cutting speed and low cutting feedrates be used for these difficult-to-machine materials. Read Full Story
High Pressure Coolant Pumps
New high-pressure coolant pumps are hydraulically balanced to reduce maintenance costs because there are no packings, cups or seals. These rugged, fixed or variable volume pumps are built to handle the abrasive particles found in machine tool coolants that can wear out conventional centrifugal, screw, or piston pumps. Read Full Story
Versatile Tapping Fluid
A new water-based tapping fluid containing a custom blend of synthetic additives provides the cooling properties of a water-based coolant with the viscosity of a straight oil. The composition of the fluid provides higher viscosity and lubricity than many oil-based products while also providing the high level of rust protection expected from a synthetic fluid. The fluid not only prolongs tool life and creates better threads in tapped holes, but it also creates a safe and clean work environment for employees. Read Full Story
Hot Products
Earth-Chain-- Lifting Magnets EZ-LIFT lifting magnets are available from Earth-Chain, Indianapolis, IN. They are rated to lift up to 6,600 lbs. They are made from powerful "rare earth" neodymium iron boron magnets, so they don't need electricity. They have a built in 3.5 X safety factor. Click Here
Techniks-- ER Holders For Tight Clearance Clearance problems are "no problem" for ER mini-nut holders from Techniks. Nut diameters range from .63" to 1.02" (16mm - 28mm) ER11, ER16, and ER20 sizes are available for CAT40, CAT50, BT30, and BT40 spindles. Techniks is a manufacturer of tool holders and accessories, headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. Click Here
Earth-Chain-- Magnetic Workholding EEPM magnetic chucks from Earth-Chain drastically reduce set-up time. They are used for drilling, milling, and boring operations on thin or thick workpieces. Holding power is over 100MT/Sqm. 26 sizes to choose from. Easily integrates with pallet changing and tombstone systems. Call (877)354-3837. Click HereRead Full Story
AM Webcasts
Webcast Archive: Best Kept Secrets of Successful Retrofits
Missed GE Fanuc and AM on May 21, 2008 for the Webinar? View The Archive

What you need to know when retrofitting, rebuilding or remanufacturing machine tools. In this webcast presentation, GE Fanuc product manager Mark Brownhill and American Machinist editor Bruce Vernyi will discuss many opportunities for retrofitters and end users to maximize the efficiency, effectiveness and cost savings that are possible with this valuable approach. Don't miss this great opportunity to learn how a retrofit solution might be right for your shop.
Click Here To View The Archive
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American Machinist Presents: Machine Shop Workshop - November 12-14,2008
The only event that focuses on the business side of running a machine shop. Join owners and top managers to explore strategies and improve your business. Register now and save at: Click HereRead Full Story
American Machinist Announces Launch Of Machine Tool Theater
American Machinist is pleased to announce the beta launch of Machine Tool Theater at Visit Machine Tool Theater; watch videos about machining and machining equipment. You'll see faster, more precise machines; cutting tools to process virtually any material; finishing technologies; automation systems; quality instruments and manufacturing software. You'll see how to reduce cycle times and increase productivity.Click HereRead Full Story
Practical Machinist Metalworking Forum
Join in! Visit Practical Machinist, the leading online discussion forum for the metalworking community.
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Big U.S.Business…The New Can’t Do Attitude?
"What were traditional American big businesses seem to know nothing more than outsourcing and downsizing?" Read Full Story
Mystery Dresser??
"I've never seen one before but it's function is fascinating." Read Full Story
Survey: "What Is Your Purpose For Being In Business?"
"You will likely be surprised at the "correct" response, which nearly none of the high-paid corporate executives gave." Read Full Story
Digital Edition
Now you can get the latest edition of American Machinist delivered directly to your PC. Digital editions allow you to page through articles, click through hotlinks for direct advertiser websites, send emails to authors and other contacts, zoom, print or send to a friend. Read Full Story
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