Tooling U ( and The Ohio State University ( announced a new partnership that enables Tooling U users to earn continuing education units (CEUs). The program allows workers to gain the skills necessary to move up the career ladder towards better jobs and better salaries. The manufacturing industry will see gains from this program, as it will develop a highly skilled and specialized workforce capable of cross-functional skills. For every seven Tooling U classes a student completes, The Ohio State University Center for Corporate and Community Education will award one continuing education unit for a minimal cost.
“Knowledge is being lost at an alarming rate as manufacturing employees retire. Continuous training opens many doors for manufacturers, as the learning curve is eliminated on a daily basis,” Gretchen Schultz, Grant Coordinator at Tooling U said. “This parternship continues a partnership between Tooling U and The Ohio State University. They are currently educational partners through the OSU Training To Go program.
Tooling U provides a wide range of online training programs for people in the manufacturing industry. These courses are delivered through a Learning Management System (LMS) that allows companies to assess training needs and track performance. Tooling U offers training packages for a variety of manufacturing areas including mill/lathe operators, press operators, assemblers, and maintenance professionals, as well as custom-created training material for Fortune 500 manufacturers.