D. H. Panchal
Mumbai, India
Machining serrations on 1.500-in. NB nozzle gasket faces per the ANSI B 16.5 standard proved a challenge for me because the nozzles were on shells six meters from the ground. I could not use a machine for the job, so I developed a cutting tool and holder that I manually put pressure on and rotate against nozzle faces to generate serrated finishes. The tool's holder locates on the inside bores of nozzles so that serrations do not overlap. I made the cutting tool from 0.500-in.-square HSS material, wire cut the clearance angles and ground its top rake angle. Cutting tools rest in a slot machined in the toolholder, and two set-screws hold them in place.
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Countersinking with a Stop Mechanism
Sept. 5, 2012