
Machine Makes Precise Parts

Aug. 5, 2005
Makino's Hyper2J micromachining center meets the needs of prototyping shops and research institutes manufacturing precise and detailed parts such as medical instruments, semi-conductor devices, and fiber-optic communications products.
Makino's Hyper2J micromachining center meets the needs of prototyping shops and research institutes manufacturing precise and detailed parts such as medical instruments, semi-conductor devices, and fiber-optic communications products. Each axis of the Hyper2J moves in submicrons and delivers 472-ipm rapids and feedrates. These machines provide ±0.000012-in. positioning accuracy with repeatability of ±0.0000078-in. X/Y/Z travels measure 7.87 5.9 5.9 in. The Hyper2J also includes an 11.8 7.87-in. work table that handles 88-lb workpieces.