HMC handles the big jobs

June 1, 2004
The HPC-800HP Mega series HMCs produce parts as tall as 59 in. and 51.2 in. in diameter from aluminum or other hard metals. Their X/Y/Z travels are 57 3 43.3 3 49.8 in. The machines feature tool-delivery systems with 0.9-sec tool-to-tool interchange and t
The HPC-800HP Mega series HMCs produce parts as tall as 59 in. and 51.2 in. in
diameter from aluminum or other hard metals. Their X/Y/Z travels are 57 3 43.3 3 49.8 in. The machines feature tool-delivery systems with 0.9-sec tool-to-tool interchange and tool queuing that practically eliminates next-tool wait. The HPC-800HPs also boast 1.5-G accelerations and feedrates of 3,150 ipm in X and Y and 2,363 ipm in Z.

Cincinnati Lamb
Warren, Mich.