For an axle-flange drilling project, Kira America incorporated simple modifications to a standard CNC machine and supplied its manufacturing customer with zero setup times for 19 different forgings and 350 part numbers. Forgings differ in size, drilled-hole diameters, and number of holes required. Kira's K-40Hb AF Series axle-flange-drilling CNC production center lets the end user switch jobs without fixture changeover by entering the desired part number into the machine's Fanuc control.
The machine automatically adjusts for proper axle length and flange diameter, and dual fixtures permit loading/unloading while a part is in the machining cycle. Operators or robot loaders place a part in the fixture, which rotates (within 5 sec) 180° into machining position.
During the load cycle, an optional etching device automatically scribes part, fixture, and machine numbers onto the axle flange. Production time is optimized since this is done during the machining cycle. The system also includes an integrated coolant-and-chip-removal system for an above-ground, dry-floor environment.
Meeting the customer's part requirements, the K-40Hb handles flange diameters from 6.12 to 8.5 in. (16 in. optional), axle lengths of 37.5 to 53 in., and axle weights up to 74 lb.
Kira America
Franksville, Wis.