For shops fabricating metallic products, plastic cooling towers from Delta Cooling Towers eliminate problems associated with metal ones, while increasing cooling capacities.
For metal fabricating shops like Cerro Wire & Cable in Hartselle, Al., and Olin of East Alton, Ill., plastic cooling towers reduce maintenance and increase up time for cooling metalworking operations. These non-corroding, leak-proof, lightweight towers offer large cooling capacities, require no coatings, feature direct-drive fan systems, and are immune to ambient weather conditions. With capacities exceeding 2,000 ton, the towers, manufactured by Delta Cooling Towers, are 40% lighter than steel ones, making them especially easy for rooftop installations.
For Cerro Wire & Cable's metal extrusion operations, the Delta towers eliminated double cooling with metal towers for process water. "The plastic towers deliver enough cold water for our jobs and save energy," says Doug Henderson, company project engineer.
The company has four 200-ton Delta towers for four process areas. Three go through heat exchangers and cool process water, while the fourth cools an open loop that runs water troughs to cool wire as it is encased with plastic.
At Olin, a Delta tower makes for a clean efficient quenching system for brass manufacturing. It replaces 12-yr-old galvanized steel ones that were rusted through and repaired several times.
"The old tower was a straight splash bar design," explains Matt Neimeyer, staff engineer for the Olin's brass division, "and the grid and fill within it eventually collapsed because the tower filled with heavy junk that collected as dirty water was cooled."
Delta's closed-loop clean water system eliminated the old, inefficient open-loop one and let Olin incorporate a different coolingtower design. Instead of a splash bar fill, the company switched to a PVC-film fill, which allowed for a counterflow tower instead of crossflow style. This increased cooling capacity.
Delta Cooling Towers Inc.
Rockaway, N.J.