Machine Tool Consumption Shows 22% Rise for June

Aug. 10, 2009
Year-to-date purchases down 70%, according to USMTC.

June U.S. manufacturing technology consumption totaled $135.85 million, according to the joint statistical program conducted by AMT - The Association For Manufacturing Technology and AMTDA, the American Machine Tool Distributors’ Association. This consortium says that companies participating in the USMTC program increased their purchases of machine tools and related equipment by 22.0% over the May 2009 total.

However, the latest figure is down 69.2% from the total of $440.55 million reported for June 2008.

Year-to-date totals for machine tool consumption now stand at $759.03 million, meaning 2009 is down 70.1% versus the first six months of 2008.

“Despite the lack of government programs designed to specifically stimulate smaller manufacturers, the bottom to this business cycle may be in sight,” according to Douglas K. Woods, President of AMT. “With total manufacturing technology orders showing positive growth for the second month in a row, we are hopeful that the end is near to the worst single year decline in our industry’s history.”

The USMTC also offers regional reports on machine tool consumption. In the Northeast Region, June manufacturing technology consumption totaled $26.78 million, -6.0% versus May ($28.48 million) and -56.3% compared with June 2008 year ago. The region’s year-to-date total is off -56.7% ($154.78 million) compared with January-June 2008.

In the Southern Region manufacturing technology consumption rose to $25.16 million in June, 85.6% above May ($13.56 million) but -67.9% against June 2008. The South’s 2009 year-to-date is ($106.78 million) is off -74.1% versus the first half of 2008.

In the Midwest machine tool consumption totaled $36.07 million in June, up 29.0% compared with May ($27.96 million), and off by -74.7% compared with June 2008. Regional year-to-date consumption ($216.13 million) represents a -74.9% decline from January-June 2008.

The Central Region recorded June manufacturing technology consumption up 39.3% ($28.70 million) over May ($20.60 million) but down from June 2008 by -72.8%. Total year-to-date consumption for the region ($175.60 million) is off the comparable period of 2008 by -70.7%.

In the Western Region, June manufacturing technology consumption ($19.13 million) declined by -7.9% versus the May total, and -63.8% versus June 2008. Regional year-to-date consumption stands ($105.74 million) is down from the first half of 2008 by -65.5%.

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