Airbus paused operations at plants in France and Spain for four days in response to the widening effects of social containment efforts to minimize the spread of the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic. spread from battered airlines to the manufacturing sector.
The action followed a French government order on March 16 restricting individuals' movements.
“This will allow sufficient time to implement stringent health and safety conditions in terms of hygiene, cleaning and self-distancing, while improving the efficiency of operations under the new working conditions,” Airbus said in a statement.
Airbus has its largest final assembly operation for the A320, A330, A350, and A380 series commercial jets in Toulouse, France. A380 production is being discontinued, and the assembly line will be revamped to assembly the A321 aircraft, according to an announcement in January.
Other plants in France support the Toulouse assembly operation with aircraft components and subassemblies.
The plant in Seville, Spain, assembles the A400M military transport aircraft, though that operation has been slated for downsizing. The Spanish plant also assembles commercial-jet tail sections.
Other Airbus operations in Germany, the U.K., China, and Mobile, Ala., are not affected by the suspensions in France and Spain.