Metalforming in Mexico

July 1, 2002
The Precision Metalforming Association (PMA) and Penton Media Inc., publisher of AMERICAN MACHINIST, — through Penton Media de Mexico and its partner Grupo Empresarial SCSI — have announced that the fourth annual MetalMecÁnica USA will be h

The Precision Metalforming Association (PMA) and Penton Media Inc., publisher of AMERICAN MACHINIST, — through Penton Media de Mexico and its partner Grupo Empresarial SCSI — have announced that the fourth annual MetalMecÁnica USA will be held in Mexico City, November 6-8, 2002. The exposition, which will be held at the Centro de Exposiciones Hipódromo de las AmericÁs in Mexico City, is being brought to Mexico City during even-numbered years to reach Mexico's major market area.

The show brings over 200 suppliers of metal stamping, precision sheetmetal fabricating, assembly, welding, and related technologies to the exhibition in Mexico. It will provide manufacturing solutions to the more than 565,000 companies engaged in manufacturing activities in and around the Federal District, the largest industrial area in Mexico.

William E. Gaskin, PMA president says, "The Mexican marketplace is growing rapidly and MetalMecÁnica USA 2002 offers an excellent opportunity for growth-oriented companies to enter a broader marketplace in a tradeshow environment where PMA can work with them to ensure success."

"We have brought this event to the Federal District because we are aware of the huge metal-forming market potential," states Victor Manuel GonzÁlez, Grupo Empresarial SCSI president and CEO. "With MetalMecÁnica USA 2002, we seek to introduce major equipment manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors to new potential buyers within the Mexico City area."

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