
Solid PCBN inserts

May 1, 2005
Secomax CBN 100 and CBN 300 solid-PCBN indexable inserts have pin-lock-hole clamping and are for use with M, P, and D-style toolholders.

Secomax CBN 100 and CBN 300 solid-PCBN indexable inserts have pin-lock-hole clamping and are for use with M, P, and D-style toolholders.

CBN 100 is for light, continuous to moderate interrupted cuts of hardened steels, facing alloys, and sintered steels. The grade has a fine-grained structure and 50% PCBN content for edge quality. Plunging in hardened surfaces is possible by using the full cutting-edge length of the inserts. CBN 100 comes in W and T-style insert geometries.

CBN 300 inserts have a coarse-grain structure and 90% PCBN content for roughing and finishing of pearlitic grey cast iron, chilled cast iron, and white irons and for roughing hardened steels at high metal-removal rates. CBN 300 comes in D, S, V, and W-style insert geometries.

Warren, Mich.

U.S. Cutting Tool Institute Billings Index

Index for January '04—December '04
January $126,819,295 119.2%
February $130,560,000 123.0%
March $154,823,146 145.4%
April $142,985,844 134.7%
May $135,776,786 127.8%
June $150,760,547 141.2%
July $136,045,837 126.8%
August $151,299,780 142.9%
September $143,973,615 135.1%
October $150,843,626 137.9%
November $136,477,214 128.2%
December $136,782,693 129.4%