Oil and Gas Services Group Plans Pennsylvania Plant

Sept. 13, 2010
Allied Technology to produce pipe, pressure vessels for natural-gas exploration in Eastern U.S.

Allied Technology is building a manufacturing plant and distribution center in suburban Pittsburgh to produce pipes and pressure vessels for natural gas extraction. It will be Houston-based Allied’s first plant in the Eastern U.S., and is a response to an increasing level of natural gas exploration and processing in the Marcellus Shale region — a geographic formation that the U.S. Dept. of Energy estimated in 2009 contains up to 262 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas.

Allied Technology manufactures and distributes production equipment and provides various services for oil and gas exploration, “from the well head to inside the refinery fence.”

The Pennsylvania plant is estimated to cost $7.5 million and would create 100 jobs within three years, including welders, assemblers, painters and sales support staff. Specific processes to be conducted there were not detailed. An Allied Technology spokeswoman said it expects to break ground later this month and finish construction in the spring.

“We are committed to providing the best products and services to our growing client base in the Marcellus Shale,” stated Allied president and CEO Wendell Brooks. “We are excited about our growth prospects as we make this investment, and pleased with the reception we’ve had from our clients and the various governmental agencies in Pennsylvania who have been assisting us in this project.”

A state economic-development agency coordinated $247,900 in incentives for the project, including an opportunity grant, job-training assistance, and job-creation tax credits.

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