Toolholders with improved balance

Aug. 5, 2006
Rego-Fix ( says its Q system of steep-taper and HSK high-speed toolholders have improved balance as a result of a low-distortion hardening process and precision balancing. The steep-taper toolholders are prebalanced to G2.5 at 22,000 ...

Rego-Fix ( says its Q system of steep-taper and HSK high-speed toolholders have improved balance as a result of a low-distortion hardening process and precision balancing. The steep-taper toolholders are prebalanced to G2.5 at 22,000 rpm, while HSK toolholders reach G2.5 at 25,000 rpm. @TXD:The toolholders, available in CAT, BT, HSK, TC and ISO versions, are made of case-hardened steel and have taper accuracy to AT3 tolerances with a TIR of 0.0001 in., or better. They can be fine-tune balanced to 42,000 rpm and contain grooves to which balancing rings may be added for additional balancing.